COVID-19 Guidelines

Due to Covid-19, we at the office would like to let you all know of some updated guidelines that we will be enforcing.

All patients entering the office must wear face coverings as well as use hand sanitizer or wash their hands prior to touching any surface.

If you are feeling unwell, or have come into contact with someone who has or may have been exposed to covid-19, please let our staff know, prior to your appointment. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment once all parties are cleared, or have quarantined with resolution of all symptoms for 14 days. If you need to cancel your appointment due to illness or exposure, please do so at least 1 day prior to your appointment time. *

Due to restriction of the number of people in office, each patient has a one hour time slot allotted to them for their appointment. We also ask that you come alone to your appointment. All accompanying parties will be asked to wait outside for the duration of your treatment, with the exception of necessary accompanying parties such as caregivers or parents of minors.

Timeliness to your appointments is extremely important to us, so our staff has the time to clean the office between visits for yours and our safety. Be aware that showing up too early to your appointment hinders our staff from being able to effectively clean all areas that you may come in contact with. In addition, if you show up late by 30 minutes or more to your appointment, your appointment may need to be rescheduled for the safety of our staff and our other patients, and may be subject to a cancellation fee. *

*Cancellations of less than 24 hours of a scheduled appointment will be subject to the $35 fee for late cancellations.
