Nutritional Advice



Not only are Dr. Holzworth and Dr. Tom knowledgeable in nutrition, but they are also avid cooks with their own meal prep service for humans as well as animals.

Nutrition is one of the many facets of a well rounded, healthy lifestyle. By evaluating your nutritional habits, Dr. Holzworth and Dr. Tom can offer advice and ideas to better support your overall health through nutrition. Dr. Holzworth and Dr. Tom specialize in meal prepping based on your needs, budget and desired outcome. With knowledge of the glycemic index as well as decreasing inflammatory factors in many diets, Dr. Holzworth and Dr. Tom can guide you on your path to a well nourished, happy body. Not only do Dr. Holzworth and Dr. Tom focus on nutrition for humans but also talks about nutrition for your furry friends as well.
